Blocks to Creativity
There are No Blocks!
There are only ups and downs. It is possible that you find yourself unable to proceed and unable or unwilling to retreat, but that is so normal that it barely deserves the label of «a block».
If you set yourself a genuine
and decide to see it through, will come. If you don't see it through, then adjust your .
When you face a so-called block, you will discover that you have numerous options for proceeding. Consider these:
Personal Self-confidence.
Creativity is a form of self-assertion. Many features of creativity like perseverance, resilience in the face of failure, responding positively to confrontations, determination and dedication, demand a base level of self-confidence.
If you have suffered greatly, it can be extremely hard to function creatively. Too much energy goes into just trying to feel good. You have to keep past traumas locked away so as to feel safe in a seemingly dangerous and hostile world. As a result of low self-esteem and feelings of inferiority, efforts to please others and win approval take priority. Self-protection often reins in the imagination and lowers the tolerance for paradox and ambiguity. Thinking becomes compartmentalized and over-rational.
Some Commonly Identified Blocks
Each of the Root Levels used to construct the has an extensive and complicated internal structure. Problems may occur anywhere within those structures, and it is impossible to list them all here. Some items commonly mentioned in current Internet articles and blogs are briefly discussed below.
Lack of Trust
is the highest
that fail to get a mention when they should, e.g. . Self-assertion, intrinsic to creating, requires a degree of aggression. If you are not prepared to for your project, then it is unlikely to reach fruition.
Lack of Openness
is the highest
Too much Conflict
Wrong Beliefs
- Move now beyond failure in creativity. to
Originally posted: 17-Feb-2012